Daily Mail Australia Australia records its highest ever immigration rate – with the population tipped to reach 25 million in months Australia's population is set to reach the 25 million…
Articles shared

“Saving planet earth one (less) child at a time…”
Each year we add more than 80 million people to the world’s population.
Click on the below image to read “SAVING PLANET EARTH ONE (LESS) CHILD AT A TIME”.
An article written by Sharon Stephenson, featured in New Zealand’s North & South magazine, that discusses the carbon footprint of having children.
The Murray Darling River Crisis – Dick Smith calling on journalists to print the facts
Here is my latest advertising campaign. It’s running in all major newspapers this week, and it calls for journalists to start reporting the facts. We need stories published that discuss…
Dick Smith’s plea to billionaire Harry Triguboff
In 2017, Dick Smith released a podcast urging multi-billionaire Harry Triguboff to donate some of is fortune to charity.
You can listen to the podcast and read the transcript here.
Dick Smith attacks online travel agency commission rates – ACA 18/09/18
Channel Nine's A Current Affair hops on board to support Dick's viral video call-out to stop money leaving small Australian businesses and going to the big foreign online travel booking…
Competition watchdog re-examines contracts tying motels to online booking sites
Article from abc.com.au 12/09/18 Thanks everyone, we’re having an influence! With over 2.5 million views on the video and enormous coverage in the media, already, family accommodation owners are telling…
Dick Smith slams ‘billionaire leech companies’ for ripping off Port Douglas
Read article from newsport.com.au here.
Employment Crisis – nearly 30,000 jobs lost due to rise of online shopping
A worrying article from the Daily Mail on August 23 2018 covering huge job losses in the retail sector due to the increase in online shopping; 'The employment crisis that's…
Wendy’s sacking workers and replacing them with machines to avoid sharing the wealth
Modern Capitalism gets around minimum wages by sacking staff and replacing with automation. That’s what the US hamburger chain, Wendy’s are doing. This will happen everywhere around the world –…