ALDI stop the secrecy, and stop sacking Australians! We have a culture of openness and a fair go. That’s what we’ve fought for. Watch this video now!! #ALDI
“The Australian Government and the ACCC has created and agreed on this dishonest practice and the Prime Minister Morrison should legislate to reverse this money laundering practice.” Dick Smith
“Thank you Dick. Thank you so much.
I run a small family owned country motel. We have been getting extorted for years and the percentages are getting higher and higher in the favour of and Expedia and the many other sites they own.
My commission bill per month can amount to 3-4k. These greedy American companies make as much as I do out of my business. They do nothing to earn it yet we work 15 hour days 7 days a week.
We pay taxes they pay nothing. We employ locals they do not. I seen this video and tears ran down my eyes.
Thank you so much Dick Smith. You are a true Australian.” Marissa
I agree with your comments except that we can’t control what the rest of the world does so even if Australia moving to zero population growth has little impact on world population nevertheless this should be no excuse for Australia to do nothing. Any movement has to start with the first step.
We need to act NOW. Possibly we are already too late.
With high levels of immigration comes higher housing prices more urban sprawl and more infill. Great for developers and the banks.
In Perth we have dam levels at 40 per cent, rostered watering days of just two days per week. Congestion on the freeways and poor public transport infrastructure. Perth is reliant on the motor vehicle like Los Angeles.
How is Perth going to cope with a population of 4 million and what will be our children’s standard of living be? Certainly not what we enjoy today.
The Politicians should have put the brakes on immigration years ago, but chose to keep the doors wide open. At what cost?
Many large cities already have issue with air quality pollution fresh water supplies. We are certainly the lucky country but for how much longer? When will we be wearing mask to breath the air in our largest cities?
There is also rampant population growth in Africa, India and many developing nations this needs to slow for the future of this planet.
There is only so much fresh water on the planet and we are starting to overuse this valuable resource.
Without desalination plants Perth would be in the dire situation with Cape Town. We are burning fossil fuels to get our fresh water supplies. The desalination plants are not run solely on wind farms.
Sweden and Japan have keep their immigration levels low and for good reasons.
I total agree with Dick Smith, he should be our Prime Minister.
When most of your new citizens are flown in from other countries. You don’t have a culture just an international village. The quality of life in Australia peaked in the 1970s.
I believe today in Sydney is getting too hard and expensive to live in, Rents are through the roof compared to the easy days of the 70’s as then on $200 per week you paid for your house in just 4 years and people were happier and had a better life… today its way out of control you earn nothing !! like $1,000 pw how the hell can you pay off a loan with that …. no more ownership of our country from China… otherwise we will be gone..
I have always advocated zero population growth and so had no children and I now live in a solar passive house that is off grid and with our own water supply. I don’t agree that if there is no money there will be no kids. Studies have showed that poverty INCREASES family size not decreases it. The best thing you can do is to educate women and give them financial independence. They then chose to have smaller families. I also think this is a much larger issue than just reducing immigration to Australia. There is a huge world population out there and if nothing is done to stop it increasing we are all in peril. Perhaps we have gone over the tipping point already. Overpopulation needs to be addressed at a global level. Australia tinkering with a few hundred thousand refugees/ immigrants is not ultimately going to make much difference, though I do agree that our per capita consumption in this country is appalling and we all need to reduce the amount we buy. Consumerism and retail therapy are selfish and are contributing directly to the demise of the planet and its biodiversity.
The UN are a club of the Victors from WW2, little else. They see war as the problem, when population is the bigger threat and leads to wars over resources. Little wonder they aren’t tackling population and yet think about the effect it could have if they took it seriously. They’d almost cease to exist!
I wonder how many letters like that they’d publish if they don’t fit their owners’ interests. Private media are geared toward the bigger is better narrative, their customers (advertisers) would favour more is better for their bottom lines, etc. It’s the elephant in the room, and we all know how much they get ignored! While Rome burns…
I wonder myself about how long before the majors work that out. They’re playing the usual game of “you first”. They’re both unwilling to start, but once it does both will follow, like with the Manus island issue and SSM. It’s a no brainer, who ever makes the pledge will win the next election easily.
I have long held that immigration levels in Australia are too high. Australia has a fragile environment and is not like other countries in that the most of the country is too hot and dry to support large populations. This may be a part of the reason why successive governments have failed to de-centralise. The vast majority of Australians live in the coastal fringe of the continent, so the end result is, that our major cities are groaning under the strain of overpopulation.
If I can borrow a phrase from a Professor Clark – ‘Why is it so?’ I believe democracy is an illusion and governments don’t represent ordinary people. Rather they serve a ruling elite and the vested interests of the rich and powerful.
The only economic model they offer is based on GROWTH, which is only possible in a situation of burgeoning population. Unbridled population growth is the single most serious problem we face today. Most of our problems stem from over population, more people require greater food production, this results in production of greenhouse gasses. At present we complain about increasing charges for water and energy, but how will you feel when you turn the tap on – and nothing comes out?
Excess population growth is not unique to Australia, it is a worldwide problem. Each country has its own set of issues and circumstances, but they should not be allowed to export their problem. This problem should be dealt with within its own borders. A country that cannot support growing population levels should take measures to control population growth. China had a one child per couple policy but seem to have abandoned it in favour of a capitalist system based on ….you guessed it! GROWTH.
What we need is a new kind of democracy truly elected ‘of’ the people and not an elite.
Dicks says:
Yes, it’s interesting how New Zealand is in a similar situation; of course they’ve had a change in government, because the Labor Party said it was going to relook at the very high immigration levels. I wonder how long before one of our major parties here has a proper immigration policy, looking at a very generous 70,000 immigrants per annum, rather than the current unsustainable 200,000 per annum?
I was in NZ over Christmas 2017. Everybody I spoke to there said that Auckland traffic and overpopulation is chronic. It is so bad that people are moving out of Auckland and going South to Tauranga.
So many countries throughout the world, including NZ and Australia are destroying their country and culture. It is just so sad and the damage is becoming irreversible.
The YouTube doco “Who owns New Zealand Now” is well worth a look in my opinion. It covers housing affordability, immigration, foreign investments impacts etc. & mirrors Australia’s problems. There is comment from overseas and includes a look at Ireland’s abandoned, unfinished housing estates as well as Berlin’s solution to life time rentals.
Just on our housing boom. Having worked in the building industry for 50+ years, the present situation reminds me of a “ponzi” scheme. When new investment stops the there will be a huge day of reckoning.
“Sydney could be plunged into darkness for days with thousands of commuters stranded in underground train tunnels while sewerage overflowed above them if a South Australian-style blackout struck the city” (ABC 20 Dec 17).
Whereas once in Australia, if there was a sustained “blackout” in Melbourne or Sydney, I wouldn’t have been all that worried. If it happened tonight I’d be terrified.
as i’ve said a million times, its not the pollies you should be looking to.
charity begins in the home.
start a raw organic lifestyle with no chems and drugs and be resourceful eg use everything you have on your property to survive. too difficult? then you are contributing to the over-population
eg every penny you spend increases the population
there will be no kids if there’s no kitty….
that’s why everyone wants jobs – sub consciously they want work for their offspring’s offspring…… that’s just creating more people.
at 14 i didn’t want kids. i am now 61 and just worked out why people treat the symptoms and not the CAUSE. because they want money spent to produce more jobs!
again, you are treating the symptoms and not the CAUSE.
charity begins in the home.
stop spending and live a resourceful life like i am. no supermarket food and no drugs and chems. use what you have around you to survive. move out of a city and buy a half acre or squat (as i do in my bucket for compost for my raw organic lifestyle!)
with no spending there can be no jobs and no imports and no money to keep breeding more. believe you me, when there’s no money, they’ll be no kids!
unesco, who and all the rest of that stuff aint gonna get anyone anywhere. if anything, it increases the population by your increase in spending!
Hi Roger,
We are great allies and I’d like to share what I’m working on. My goal is to catalyze an international campaign that leads to the UN establishing a Framework Convention on Population Growth. My hope is that you are interested in participating. If you’d like, I would be thrilled to share the more detailed pitch for this initiative with you.
The pitch has been shared with Paul Ehrlich and will be shared with Dick Smith in the coming weeks. The Frank Fenner Foundation and Sustainable Population Australia also have a copy of the pitch and are considering its merits. It already has supporters in 9 countries across 4 continents and I’d like to build on this momentum. I am also already engaging with the UN about this to seek their input and feedback.
I’m an American environmentalist and overpopulation activist. I believe that our awareness of overpopulation demands that we act compassionately by ending the silence throughout mainstream institutions and establishing national sustainable population policies in every country.
Please provide an email address if you’re interested in seeing the pitch. It would be great if you could share it with your friends and colleagues, too. Thanks for your time.
Recent articles and projection’s on the doubling of water infrastructure and costs, is more of the same. The unsustainable population growth through migration means that new migrants are not contributing to the cost of infrastructure that is needed, which in turn becomes a burden for everyone now.
Oil feeds us, oil shelters us, oil powers us, oil lights us (that’s right, the grid will last only weeks or months without oil aplenty to maintain it). And they’ll look back on this time and say “Can you believe that the politicians were stuffing Australia up with people as fast as they could, right up until the oil shock hit. Australia might have stood a chance of surviving climate change and food shortages with 18 million, but not a hope with 24 million”
It is just amazing the absolute lack of Letters to the Editor following your advertisements regarding overpopulation.
Overpopulation both here and internationally have been a worry to me for decades, especially since Paul Ehrlich visited here following his publishing of the Baby Bomb.
No politician will ever mention the words ‘over population’ . I have asked representatives of various political parties their population policies and none including the Greens have one.
I wish you luck with your campaign and request you contact me directly if there is anything I can do.
I believe that our country has little room for an increased population. Road traffic congestion in Sydney has worsened dramatically and young families cannot afford housing. When these problems are fixed,we can afford to reconsider our immigration levels.