Aldi now our most trusted brand

I have asked the owners of Aldi to come to Australia and tell us what their plans are.
Read the attached letter here.

Also, please watch this video by Chris Kohler about Aldi being the most profitable supermarket in Australia:

I have a major press conference with an important announcement about Dick Smith Foods tomorrow, 26 July 2018 at 11am in the Adelaide Room, 4th floor, Sofitel Wentworth 61-101 Phillip St, Sydney 2000 – All welcome!


  1. The Real Reason Why It’s Wise To Shop at ALDI

    (…is at item 8)
    Aldi, a German-based grocery store, has been quietly taking over the supermarket industry, which is no small feat with formidable adversaries like Coles and Woolworths. Still, Aldi has a very different tactic when it comes to attracting customers, and it has nothing to do with selling in bulk or rolling back prices. Aldi offers lowish prices by comparison, even though they’re not the biggest chain ordering the highest volume to get lower purchase prices. Their shelf space is noticeably different to most other supermarkets. 
    1. They don’t rely on brand name products
    Visiting Aldi is a little bit like visiting a foreign country. Instead of Oreos, you get Benton’s sandwich cookies. Instead of Tostitos, you’ll want to grab a bag of Clancy’s tortilla chips for $1.29.
    First-time shoppers are surprised to find that 90% of the merchandise in Aldi is private label. That’s the biggest reason everything is offered so cheaply. It’s a takes a little getting used to, but once you realise how much money you can save by skipping national brands, you come to truly appreciate Casa Mamita salsa in all its off-brand glory.
    However, in so many cases, ALDI negotiates with local; producers to package known products under an Aldi banner! Think Bega Tasty (Repackaged in same colours for Aldi); think Maple Syrup (Greens in Coles); think Baked beans, canned fish and chicken (ALL repackaged from what’s sold in Coles and Woolies); think even Bluegrass Bourbon $30 (Woodstock do this for them). Jim Beam is no better!
    2. They have a smaller selection
    An Aldi supermarket stocks perhaps a thirtieth of the products stocked by a traditional supermarket (50,000?). Stocking fewer items is cheaper for so many reasons. First, the store size is much smaller. A smaller retail space means the rent and utilities are cheaper. Since Aldi only orders one type of tomato sauce, they can order larger quantities with confidence that every person shopping for tomato sauce will choose that specific item. Meanwhile, traditional supermarkets purchase fewer quantities of more items to maintain their large selections.
    With fewer items to stock, employees can work shorter shifts. And while some people balk at the idea of only having one choice for mustard, it turns out that the psychology works out in their favour. People who have fewer choices report a greater level of happiness with what they chose than those faced with 350 different salad dressings.
    3. Stocking shelves takes less tim
    Aldi shoppers are used to picking their grocery items directly out of the cardboard shipping box they came in. Items are stacked on shelves or on top of each other in a no-frills display that makes it easy to stock shelves.
    4. There aren’t as many employees
    Since it doesn’t take as long to stock shelves, you won’t notice as many people working at Aldi. Saving on labor costs allows the company to offer cheaper prices to consumers. Having fewer workers also means Aldi pays their people higher wages too, compared to Woolies and Coles.
    5. They don’t advertise
    Have you ever seen an Aldi ad on TV? Probably not. This discount store relies on word of mouth advertising, which is obviously working so far. Again, less outgoing funds assist in keeping prices down.
    6. They have reduced opening hours
    It’s convenient that you can run to some local Woolworths stores at midnight, but you’re paying a premium for that privilege.
    Aldi typically opens later and closes earlier than other grocery stores, which saves 
    7. They don’t charge for shelf space
    Most supermarkets charge for shelf space — that’s why you’ll only find big-name brands at eye level. In paying for shelf space, manufacturers and suppliers simply build those costs into their selling prices to the major supermarkets.
    Meanwhile, Aldi has simple terms and no supplier charges. According to one newspaper report, Aldi does this  “to suck the profitability out of the [supermarket] industry in favour of the consumer.”
    AND FINALLY (and perhaps most importantly):
    8. They are a PRIVATE, family-owned Company with NO Shareholders to keep improving profits for.
    The major retailers have huge numbers of management and staff. Management (on large salaries themselves) and stores,  are obligated (within their employment contracts)  to satisfy company shareholders (who are investors, retirees etc who can always take their business elsewhere) to make ever-increasing profits… just check the regular increases in bread, cereals, even the home brand items, throughout the year. Aldi does not have the same level of price increases. 
    While Aldi is also in the business of profit, they do not spend tens of millions of dollars on TV advertising and they are not trying to create up to $50 per share on the stock market, while delivering million dollar salaries with bonuses to senior managers and strategists in the same breath.
    Happy shopping, shoppers!

  2. TESCO UK is just about to launch a discount/ budget supermarket chain called JACK in the UK to try to compete with ALDI and LIDL.

  3. Governments come and go, but the bureaucrats do not change! Change policy, change these left leaning, UN loving, New World Order people.

    I refuse to go to Aldi’s. I do not know where half the products comes from in reality. Italian packed tomatoes from China. Even at Woollies, I only by Australian cream cheese from South Australia, not the Woollies brand from the USA (who knows what GMO’s are in there).

    The bleeding hearts who want the so-called refugees, are never willing to have them stay in there house. If you are a refugee, you must work. No sucking off the Government tit for benefits and breeding children for 5 years. Be like real refugees from 50 years ago. Learn the language, be part of Australia, not segregation. No bringing in relatives to do the same routine.

    Really check the credentials of educated immigrants, and that they have a job organised before arriving. Not come here to drive taxi’s, buses or trucks. Commit fraud then never go home.

  4. Hi Dick, I think it is a great thing that you focus the magnifying glass on anything and everything. Truth shall prevail. Regarding ALDI, I believe there is one problem caused by our very own Australian retailers, the reason why they are losing the respect of consumers – choice. Price wars are what they are, but my family now chooses to shop at Coles/IGA/Woolworths AND ALDI (edging 50/50 between the two) for one simple reason – the proliferation of “retailer branded” products and the reduction in “boutique/unique” AND trusted brands at Coles/IGA/Woolworths massively reduces the variety on offer. Some of these products are not great, but that’s all we can get, hence why we seek these at ALDI. I can think of a number of favourite products we can no longer get at the Australian retailers, instead we are must suffer the generic (I say this understanding what a privilege it is to have these in the first place…). The sources of some of these products are unknown, whereas you can expect that there might be a bunch of different milks or cheeses or any other product at ALDI, the likes of which the Australian retailers would never dream of stocking. Thus far we have been able to find some gems not too different, or pleasingly different, to our old favourites. If we are to go by the product labels, it would appear ALDI are supporting smaller Australian producers whose products are not available in Coles/IGA/Woolworths due to competition on their own shelves. Do I have this perception incorrect? Please correct me if this is the case! Either way, as a consumer I find the Australian retailers becoming a bit bland and same-same. If there is one parallel I can draw, it is like some music shops choosing to sell all the budget gear to maximise their profits or simply to keep revenue flowing. The effect of this is a simplification and some of these music stores end up not stocking anything unique or of interest, generic-this, basic-that, uninteresting and unsuitable everything else. I suspect the increasingly discerning consumer is developing these kinds of mindsets.

  5. brilliantly funny, says it all

  6. It could be a problem for Aldi, but they have deep pockets to fight local makers. Also, they may have already sorted it before selling them, they could even be made by the same makers! Aldi cheese is made by Bega, etc. I recall when Dick Smith foods had to fight off Arnott’s over the Tem Tins (which I miss), because they were like Tim Tams (only better) in name and looks (but not taste).

  7. Absolutely right Tina, wages are high. Other countries like Swiss and Norway have even higher wages, but their goods cost less, by keeping high quality standards.
    It must be either efficiency or the rip off island prices of Australian businesses making things so expensive.
    Why does 1 KG cement cost 3 times as much here, for instance? Cement production is not labour intensive.
    At the beginning Australia has been protected by distance, then by Tariffs and now by Australian Standards and their associated Regulations.
    Those regulations are mainly influenced by Australian businesses and guarded by the “Compliance Force” which is called the OFFICE OF FAIR TRADING in NSW.
    You can call the whole system “Game of Mates” and “How Favours Bleed The Nation” as per the like named book. It is FAR FROM FAIR for the average Australian, because he has to pay the price.
    And on top of that, the regulations made for big businesses and Industry Associations hinder qualified and experienced Australians to join the industry and become competitors.
    Example: The ONLY way to get a builders license in NSW is, to get work experience signed off by another builder (your competition). That is very, very unfair for a lot of hard working Australians who have no lobby.
    It looks like only a big company like Aldi has the muscle to beet this game and get rid of the island prices in the favor and fair go for every Australian.

  8. I hate shopping full stop so my main shopping for the week I use Coles/IGA?Foodworks/Woolies/Local Butcher under one roof etc. I find Aldi will not have what I want like Dick Smith quality Australian product. (so sad they will be not there soon) The last thing I want is two visits when I can get all I need in one spot. I gave them a try few times but I find the quality not up to standard. Also the other thing that I noticed is how similar (identical colours/fonts etc) product packaging is to our own Example Crumpets. I thought this would be a copy right problem?? Anyone answer this?

  9. The wages are too high and regulations are over the top. About the wages they are 3 times, roughly, that of the states. We’ve out priced ourselves out of every market. Any wonder the Aldi gets the customers.

  10. You have run the business for 19 years and that is something in this dynamic world. Who knows maybe another business. You have done a good job for 19 years and maybe is time for some bigger things.

  11. It’s called competition
    Woolies and Coles have taken over. Insurance…fuel..just to name 2
    We need competition in Australia or we will be paying a whole lot more

  12. And now for something completely different.Hi Dick,sorry for your loss.Bigger problem, the drought!Many farmers desperate going broke and suicidal.If you can co-ordinate a “Give a mate a hand” scheme,i”m sure lots of Aussies would pitch in.EG ,city people could host country cousins to give them a break from their misery.Also to make a connection and maybe help out in some way.would need significant co-ordination , but with today’s technology,it should not be impossible to co-ordinate and connect Aussies in need with Aussies who are willing to help. I have 2 bedrooms and am willing to host a rural family for a week at my expense..

  13. There is only one place to lay blame and it is at our own government… they are greedy conniving idiots selling off Australia to best suit their own needs…

  14. We are missing the big elephant in the room here. Aldi made food cheaper for everyone and all Australians benefit from this.
    Before Aldi the Australian supermarket chains had monopoly conditions on an island. We where all paying for this. Aldi did not even try to introduce the waste full one-way plastic bags. Years later, the other supermarket chains market this as their own green ideas.
    As young family father, I see cost of living rising exponentially. Food and house prices need to come down. Homes in the US are build with the same materials as in Australia. Why do we pay double per square meter? Is this another area where we need an Aldi?

  15. I can’t stand Aldi! I have been caught out with their “special buys” on many occasions that turned out to be absolute rubbish. And don’t even try their Lacura cosmetics that are made in Taiwan! Their “fresh” food is pre packed and anything but fresh. I once had food poisoning from their bagged lettuce. I wouldn’t touch it again. Their meat is tough and poor quality. Price is the bottom line – if you want something cheap then Aldi is the place to go but you are forfeiting quality for price on most occasions. I once had to complain to a staff member about the punnets of strawberries – almost every one I picked up had mould in it. Aldi are overrated and there is no customer service. I can’t understand some people’s almost obsession with the place. If the other stores follow suit we will all be in trouble.

  16. Hi Dick,
    I have to agree with Leigh on this.

    Laying the blame at Aldi’s feet, Amazon or any other off shore company, isn’t the problem here. Instead, blame past and present Governments for selling Aussies out!

  17. I would never shop at Aldi. For starters, they’re German based and owned, and look at that nation’s murderous conduct over two world wars last century. They tend to be arrogant and self righteous. I’m UK born and remember the destruction still visible after the German blitzkrieg post WWII.

  18. You don’t have to buy it. You can buy from Coles, Woolies, greengrocers, etc. No one is forcing consumers to buy anything from anyone but neither do they have to sell exactly what you want, how you want it or for the price you want it. Vote with your money.

  19. I find it so terribly typical of news reporting these days in that they hardly give Dick Smith any reporting time or to give explanation. What I saw on TV last night was barely 1 minutes worth and about the fact that he is ceasing his food production at Belrose, as
    he can’t compete with overseas competitors flooding the market. I thought it had already ceased as I don’t see any of the products, jam etc in stores. What I don’t understand is as Australia is producing food, who is buying and where is it going
    apart from Coles and Woolies doing there ‘deals’ with our farmers.
    So many canned products these days are all from overseas, or stuff via New Zealand. The only asparagus I see canned is China or Peru, and I know its grown here!!
    Please Mr Smith run as an independent, or join with an independent that can
    resist major parties machinations. Australia needs a straight guy who tells it like it is and does it right.

  20. Good valid questions!! The answer is “NO!!

  21. Human nature at its worse – “how can I save money buying cheap imported versus good but more expensive, Aussie-made?”. My Christmas business suffers the same fate, year after year as Aldi and Costco dump “Price Leaders” onto their shelves to draw people in to also buy the “Made in China” ham conveniently placed next IN THE SAME AISLE???? They sell for less than wholesale so there is no way we can price match them!! And do you think the importing agents give a shit?? They are off enjoying the good life on the Swiss Alps!

  22. If you really want to make a difference to Aldi, simply don’t shop there, they don’t have a great range and screw everything down to the greatest dollar return to Aldi. It is unfortunate that people desperate for a job need to work there, but the need to pay a mortgage is not forgiving. Aldi’s strength is in their supply chain expertise, bringing the product to the consumer cheaper than competition, there are insufficient people in Australia for Australian based companies to be able to survive, this is an economic fact, sad but true.

  23. I’m very sorry to hear the news of Dick Smith Foods impending closure. I have always been a supporter of buy Australia from it’s inception. Australia once had manufacturing. Now gone! Call and Service Centres. Gone. The mining sector gave a temporary reprieve. Then it moved to selling real estate, water rights, ports and all things in between to overseas buyers. I have worked in implimented ideas from China to Las Vegas. I would love to have a personal chat with Dick about some pro Australian ideas. Would it be possible to get in touch with Dick personally. Many thanks. Vincent

  24. I always look out for the Australian made and owned. Most trusted products. Might cost a little more but sometimes the products are cheaper than a lot of other brands. The money I spend on Aussie products stays in australia and keeps Australians employed.

  25. I have read your letter about closing down your food company. It is very sad to hear but unfortunately it a sign of the times. I know that you are not pleased that ALDI has become the most trusted brand. I am aware that you are an idealist and want to see Australians get a fair go. You have to be aware that the cost of things play a role in every day life. I live on a pension and its not easy. Respectfully I do think that is an issue with you! Surely you don’t think that the owners of ALDI would come to Australia. They are too busy making money. Its good that you can see the big picture but for people like me we are focused on day to day struggles. Money plays a role in everyones life, I am a realist and except the order of things. Just thought I would just share this to whoever reads this. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
    Kind regards

  26. Nice shot Dick. Assume they pay adequate taxes here but profits are not shared. Personally have shopped with them but don’t find fresh items are all that fresh. After dodging imported food items, (even supposedly from NZ) only now buy their local wine (but no made in Oz sticker?). Keep up the good work Dick. Cx

  27. I for one do not shop at Aldi. I find it very annoying as everything seems to be everywhere & I would rather shop at one of our supermarkets mainly Coles. Why do Australians only think of their own hip pockets? I am sure there are many who could afford to shop at other supermarkets rather than Aldi. I feel quite helpless & the only thing I can think of is everyone stop shopping there & go out & buy at least three Dick Smith Food products at their next trip to the other supermarkets. This I will do tomorrow. Please tell us what else we can do to help? Maybe you could appear on Peta Credlin’s show & put this forward.

  28. Please maintain the rage, Dick. Brilliant letter & the contents spewing forth are the personification of greed & a stain on the accidentally inherited owners integrity & values. We’re up to 40% Aldi shopping but I commit my family to a rearrangement – it can be done at no extra total cost. And in this age of “individualism” we should all read the label carefully as to country of origin & make a judgement. Australia is heading toward being one big offshore owned & dependant corporate subsidiary.

  29. A message for Chris Kohler. Aldi is not the little guy it likes to project itself as, it is a bigger German company than Coles & Woolworths combined.

  30. I am sick and tired of seeing what is happening in our beautiful Country. I for one will never be setting foot in to an Aldi Store. I support Woolworths and Coles. I support our local a Butcher. I am a strong supporter all small local business. They are the backbone of this Country. I refuse to buy online. I am afraid I like many others are a voice in the wilderness. I am so sad to see you are closing down Dick Smith Foods. There are many people in this Country who are ignorant as to what is really going on here. And there are many more who really don’t care. I don’t know the answer all I know is that it is a very sad state of affairs. I have had many an argument about this very thing.

  31. congratulations to Dick Smith a fair dinkum Aussie for his stand on Aussie values and traditions which are sadly dissapearing day by day as i am in my late 80,s i have seen the best side of this great country and it hurts to see it deteriorating into a third world where both parties are on the same course to kill off our freedoms with no regard to the will of its peoples.

  32. Absolutely agree with you that population is out of control. The pollies have no idea. We have a crisis in the bush(drought) and still people pour in. Also, from what Is obvious to many of us older ones, there is a prodigious increase in births. Looks like a disaster in the making.

  33. I`ve been a customer for a number of years in Brisbane bay side. They are really the fresh food people.

  34. If people were to read the ingredients list on most of Adli’s products and understood them as I do they may think Aldi is not so good.
    Their products have a huge list of preservatives and additives and are mostly from foreign countries rather than being Australian products.

  35. Re ALDI. I contacted them a couple years ago re servicing regional areas (Emerald) not really outback -and they said it was impossible. Yet again the Bush loses out!!!!

  36. Wow! thanks for sharing this information. I have noticed aldi was giving coles and woolworths a real run for their money but i had no idea of the real consequences of this.

  37. No longer shop at Aldi. Ended up being more expensive. To go to butcher, fruit shop, Woolworth then Aldi. Kept blowing my budget.
    And no longer keen to buy fruit from them they dont taste right. Bananas never ripen.
    Meat we have bought we found a piece of metal in it. Yah they gave our money back but claimed they couldn’t find where it came from which is disturbing

  38. I have a sense that the sense of impotence which most citizens have in the face of the overwhelming power of great forces of big business and complaisant government and an understandable inertia ( we all want to live lives dealing with our immediate troubles), is somehow changing. We can see constant growth is leading us to the ruination of this blue planet. I support all attempts to reconfigure the way in which we conduct ourselves – for the sake of all organic life. So, Dick, full marks for your courage and commitment.

  39. I bought a bird feeder. I hung it
    on my back porch and filled it
    with seed. What a beauty of
    a bird feeder it was, as I filled it
    lovingly with seed.
    Within a week we had hundreds of birds
    taking advantage of the
    continuous flow of free and
    easily accessible food.

    But then the birds started
    building nests in the boards
    of the patio, above the table,
    and next to the barbecue.

    Then came the crap. It was
    everywhere: on the patio tile,
    the chairs, the table …

    Then some of the birds
    turned mean. They would
    dive bomb me and try to
    peck me even though I had
    fed them out of my own

    And others birds were
    boisterous and loud. They
    sat on the feeder and
    squawked and screamed at
    all hours of the day and night
    and demanded that I fill it
    when it got low on food.

    After a while, I couldn’t even
    sit on my own back porch
    anymore. So I took down the
    bird feeder and in three days
    the birds were gone. I cleaned
    up their mess and took down
    the many nests they had built
    all over the patio.

    Soon, the back yard was like
    it used to be ….. quiet, serene….
    and no one demanding their
    rights to a free meal.

    Now let’s see……
    Our government gives out
    free food, subsidized housing,
    free medical care and free
    education, and allows anyone
    born here to be an automatic

    Then the illegals came by the
    tens of thousands. Suddenly
    our taxes went up to pay for
    free services; small apartments
    are housing 5 families; you
    have to wait 6 hours to be seen
    by an emergency room doctor;
    Your child’s second grade class is
    behind other schools because
    over half the class doesn’t speak

    Corn Flakes now come in a
    bilingual box; I have to
    ‘press one ‘ to hear my bank
    talk to me in English, and
    people waving flags other
    than ”ours” are
    squawking and screaming
    in the streets, demanding
    more rights and free liberties.

    Just my opinion, but maybe
    it’s time for the government
    to take down the bird feeder.
    If you agree, pass it on; if not,
    just continue cleaning up the crap!!

  40. regardless of the name of the the supermarket the key is –needs to be Australian produce to support our farmers and fresh foods and one should not loose sight of that.

  41. They certainly dont *waste* any money on customer service. Its easy to be profitable if you dont give a damn.
    Which is why i dont shop there.
    On every product is the policy that if you dont like it or it breaks dont take it back to the store complain to their supplier.

  42. Ive always thought Aldi would succed, They dont try to trick you & without them we would be totally be ripped off by Woolworths & Coles>

  43. I started using Aldi when it first opened in Victoria Pt 4163. I found it to be great value from the beginning. My wife refused to use them because they didn’t carry a large a range of products as the others. The only fault I could say is that some products they clearly direct their manufacturer to cut costs and reduce value. All up a pretty good simplified model for a supermarket.

  44. A very sad state of affairs. I shop at Foodlands in Norwood, SA and my local
    Fruit and veg store in Erindale. I like Foodland because it is South Australian.
    I have had a look at Aldi and I thing that it is soddy and awful, but I suppose that suppression of wages and a lack of full time work forces people to go for the cheapest..
    Unfortunately, the government of this country is selling us out in every way that it can.
    The big internationals destroy lives and jobs and destroy community spirit.
    However, the government has encouraged the development of this system.

  45. We shop at Aldi first then go to Coles, IGA or Woolies. Big savings but still like Dick Smith tomatoe sauce and jams

  46. Dear, Mr Smith,

    I think you and your team would be a serious chance to hold the balance of power in government.

    Please have a go…. you’d have my vote and 100% of everyone I talk too.

  47. Dick,
    With many of Aldi’s products locally sourced, I’m happy to support them. I understand their business model and consider it sound. The vertical integration of their internally controlled supply chain and limited inventory is a key element in their success. Whether Aldi charges local suppliers slotting fees is something of an unknown. I know Coles & Woollies have done this. In summary, I believe that Coles and Woollies have been outsmarted. If Coles and Woollies are nervous with Aldi’s limited success, they’ll be petrified when Lidl announces its entry intention to enter the Australian grocery market.

  48. Isn’t that great they drive their staff into the ground for little recompense and sell anything as long as its cheap and profitable.

  49. Aaaaand a significant proportion of their product is not sourced in Australia.

  50. Aldi is the most profitable supermarket in Australia because it shifts its profits offshore to avoid paying tax on its profits. If you become an Aldi supporter then that’s the last Dick Smith product I ever buy – please don’t cooperate with multinational tax avoidance in Australia

  51. If Aldi’s is a proven model, why can’t Australians set up a similar business to Aldi in Australia? Even Coles or WW could surely do a new startup based on a limited selection of quality, local products?

  52. Dick’s ‘Open Letter’ contains some factual errors.
    Far from employing fewer Australian staff, quite the opposite is true.
    Self check-outs for an example. Why does Dick not mention these job-destroying methods by Woolworth and Coles and not used by Aldy? A glaring omission!
    Favouring the consumer before the shareholders by offering cheaper priced goods at Aldi’s is a bad thing?
    Dick, people are voting with their wallets in case you haven’t noticed.
    Lack of space prevents me from pointing out more flaws in Dick’s missive.
    While normally a fan of Dick Smith, I am very disappointed at superficiality of the ‘Open Letter.

  53. Hi Dick, well written and it’s time to wake people up on the benefits of companies that provide entry level jobs and lots of them to Australians versus the Aldi model. We all know what the demise of the auto industry in this country has done, free trade agreements with Thailand but rules that prohibited the export of Australian vehicles to Thailand with huge tariffs based on vehicle size, engine size etc. What a great non reciprical deal and where do the the biggest volume cars come from, Thaialnd. I applaud you telling it as it is, you just need to get the man from Goldman Sachs (mr big Australia Malcolm Turnbull) to get on board. I will never understand why both sides of politics won’t pull back on immigration, we know it’s what the majority want. What about a plebiscite on that rather than same sex marriage, there could hve been plenty of questions but it’s clear they don’t want a mandate on what the public want. We live in an economy fueled by immigration to drive growth, it can’t go on forever,

  54. The problem is we have been ripped off for years by Coles and Woolworths due to lack of competition. Therefore I do not feel any allegiance to either of them and will continue to shop at Aldi.

  55. I’m one of the silent majority of Aussies backing dick and admirering the guts of the man. A visionary with all of Australia his passion good on you dick Smith, a real man and a real Australian ?

  56. We need an Aldi corporate inspired bank too, The big 4 banks and the big 2 supermarkets have held their customers and suppliers in contempt for far too long. Aldi have proven that it is possible to offer quality merchandise at reasonable prices and still make a profit.

  57. Love Dick Smith foods

  58. Insanity. Who voted for this? Who asked us? Why should Australia become identical to those overcrowded countries all the refugees are trying to escape from to come to Australia? We are rapidly heading towards third world status. Hi Rise is un Australian.
    It’s my right to have my own piece of dirt that is inalienably mine. A house and land. Owning a unit in the sky is not really owning anything. Who wants to sit in their unit lounge room and watch the birds fly by? Not to mention the insanity of Bodies Corporate and Strata. There seems to be some sort of embarrassment that Australia is not like New York , London or Hong Kong. I like Australia as it is/was, casual, stress free, uncrowded, our cities were unique in that they were more like large country towns. A slower pace. Yet our education and businesses were world class. Our unique Aussie talents had room to blossom unstressed by overcrowding. God knows why we are emulating other over crowded countries. They would gladly be like us. We can see the disadvantage of other countries, yet we rush to copy them. Overcrowding will definitely create massive social disadvantage. Units do not retain their value. Unlike a house and land. After twenty years a block of units will become rundown, because of the massive upkeep costs. For example after twenty years the lifts will need an incredibly expensive upgrade if not total replacement not to mention ventilation plant, fire control systems. High rise units by their very nature are destined to become slums in less than one generation.. Thank God I am fortunate to have my bush retreat.

  59. I have tried Aldi for about 6 months but gave up due to the check out process. I find Woolworths to be superior in many ways including FAST , POLITE check out.

  60. Please ask “Mr” Aldi why I have to buy 3 zucchini on a polystyrene tray and covered with gladwrap when all I need is one? Likewise many things packaged unnecessarily. Re population: most business people are to blame – all they ever think about is dollars, dollars, dollars – it doesn’t seem to matter whether ANYONE will be here in 30 years! Dick, you are the amazing exception! Thank you.

  61. Dick Smith for P.M. ( instead of Dick Head. )

  62. The Clever Country??? This is going to end in tears. It was bad enough when farmers were being screwed by 2 Australian companies, now they are also being screwed by a foreign company which is acting in the interest of their shareholders, who are not Australian. Why do we spend $B on defense if we are going to allow foreign companies to take over anyway? If we do get into a war we will end up going hungry because we won’t be able to import food.

  63. So aldi are in a position to “Start” a price war and “Win “That same price war……….No wonder Wesfarmers is breaking coles away flybuys and selling off the coles supermarkets.

  64. My god whats happening. I love dick smith product even his electrical shop.i wish to see that back.whats happening.all these supermarkets are screwing everything.aldis are ok.dont have the products like woolworths. Thay dont have regular things one offs.dick for god sake please do something.why the hell has this happend love joanne

  65. Most profitable because they don’t pay there workers overtime, use “averaging hours”, commit wage theft, use labour hire, and pressure transport companies.

  66. I personally think all Dick Smith foods should be supplied through Aldi the German company however as we know, Aldi itself is not an Australian company but they are very competitive and outclass the competition on price, will Aldi support distributors like Dick Smith foods which are 100% Australian and refuse to pay the halal Muslim tax? I’m sure they will I have great faith in Aldi because I also believe strongly in German companies, after all everything made in Germany abides by extreme quality control which is what us as Australians are looking for.. Go for it Dick, we want your products in Aldi because we believe in Australia and Germany.. the last 2 great countries on the planet.

  67. I wonder have you thought about trying to get Tony Abbott over to your side and then form an alliance with Cory Bernardi, Pauline Hanson, and any other politician who isnt lying traitorous filth and really become a real proposition to liberal and labor as an alternate government there would be annincredible ground swell of patriots to support such a move. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to wipe that smug arrogant smiles off shorten and turnbulls faces and when i power tear up any agreements we have with the U N and get out of the U N asap

  68. Hi Dick
    When will our government take notice of our population growth,people are sick and tired of our growth, can’t they see what is happening. SHUT THE BOARDERS.

  69. Viewed the Video,good on Aldi however do any of Aldi profits remain in Australia,Do they contribute in paying Australian Taxes.Do they employ less or more Australians than the other Supermarkets.Will they employ less in the future by installing self serve checkouts.

  70. I am a regular shopper at Aldi and agree fully with the comments made.

  71. Keep on their tails Dick! Aussies don’t need any more ripoffs.

  72. I blame Australians buy from an Australian Company . Woolworths and Coles both hold unamed brands that are as cheap as Aldi do yourself a favour help our Australian companies buy from them they pay taxes ,the profits stay inside Australia I live by the motto that I only buy Australian made companies that are Australian

  73. Hi Dick,
    I appreciate the issues raised in your Aldi letter but I don’t get it.
    Surely they are just being good capitalists by following our laws?

    I agree that the issues you raise need to be addressed but isn’t the correct approach through public policy or law. Perhaps a national Jobs Guarantee or Universal Basic Income might be possible solutions.

    Simply asking them over with the implication that they should stop seems wrong headed.

    Leigh Martin

  74. Please Mr Smith majority of concerned and struggling Australians need you in our unconventional PCBS politics before it’s too late?. (If you can’t beat them, join them) you have millions of Aussie supporters!. Please!?for us and future Australian generations!.???

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