ALDI stop the secrecy, and stop sacking Australians! We have a culture of openness and a fair go. That’s what we’ve fought for. Watch this video now!! #ALDI
“The Australian Government and the ACCC has created and agreed on this dishonest practice and the Prime Minister Morrison should legislate to reverse this money laundering practice.” Dick Smith
“Thank you Dick. Thank you so much.
I run a small family owned country motel. We have been getting extorted for years and the percentages are getting higher and higher in the favour of and Expedia and the many other sites they own.
My commission bill per month can amount to 3-4k. These greedy American companies make as much as I do out of my business. They do nothing to earn it yet we work 15 hour days 7 days a week.
We pay taxes they pay nothing. We employ locals they do not. I seen this video and tears ran down my eyes.
Thank you so much Dick Smith. You are a true Australian.” Marissa
Australia Moves To Restrict Cash and Build Up Its Surveillance
StateIt’s all part of the international push by officials to monitor the public. You’re next.
Have you ever considered the data trail you leave as you swipe a card or make electronic payments for transactions over the course of your day? Australian officials have considered it, and they apparently think that trail of digital breadcrumbs is just an awesome step on the road to a surveillance state. The country is a Senate vote away from banning the use of cash for transactions It’s all part of the international push by tax and regulatory officials to minimize the use of cash as part of the effort to monitor the public—and it’s coming soon to a lawbook near you.
Passed after much debate by the Australian Parliament’s lower house, the bill is now held up in the Senate, where lawmakers are being bombarded by taxpayer advocates and small businesses with demands that they scuttle the measure.