Dick Smith public presentation on the Australian aviation industry – Wagga, 26 April 2018

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Please see the following links to the video and audio podcasts of my presentation in Wagga on 26 April 2018, covering the damage that has been inflicted on the Australian aviation industry by consecutive governments.

Amongst other issues, it covers why so many Aussies are disillusioned with our political system and also why our politicians are forced to become actors, following a dishonest ritual.
“No wonder Mr Trump was elected to drain the dishonest swamp.”.

Please share with all your friends, family and colleagues.

Print out: Wagga Aviation Presentation Booklet




  1. Dear Dick,

    I have just watched your Wagga Address. You reflected exactly my own feelings about Australian Aviation.

    I will now write to my local MP Cathy McGowan and ask that she support your Wagga Oration.

    Thank you so much for all you have done for Australian Aviation.

    Kind regards,

    Rick Morris

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