Dick and Harry battle it out on A Current Affair

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Channel 9’s A Current Affair interviewed Dick on Tuesday night about his challenge to Meriton’s Harry Triguboff to donate $1 billion to charity  – take a look at the story here or watch the video above.


  1. Good on you, Peter! Who knows, they might just do it! It would be a ratings boost for them, they could run it for weeks! If only their bosses would let them.

  2. I have emailed ACA on channel 9,to do a story on Immigration.
    No reply….would there be some hidden agenda……why they are reluctant ??….This would wise up the Australian public,as to the enormous burden…these large numbers have to be cut….Our Welfare,housing,hospitals,Major Cities bursting at the seams….please give me a quick email,so i am confident my email has reached you.
    Peter Kowalewski.

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